UCAB Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rogue Wave update

Rogue Wave, the band originally scheduled to headline the Homecoming concert, recently canceled its appearance here due to the injury of its lead singer. The Music Committee is working around the clock to find an alternative to either open or headline with the Ting Tings. For the most up-to-date information, check back to this blog frequently. I will be updating it with any info that comes our way.

We here at UCAB send our sincerest apologies to everyone who was excited about Rogue Wave playing William and Mary. This is an unfortunate circumstance that was entirely out of our control. For those of you who are worried, yes, there will still be a Homecoming show and, yes, the Ting Tings are still set to play.

Tomorrow morning we will put in an offer to The Cool Kids, an amazing up-and-coming hip-hop group. Everyone keep your fingers crossed.

We are committed to providing you with an outstanding Homecoming concert. I hope to have good news shortly.

Sean O'Mealia


Anonymous said...

What the hell? Is everything cool that UCAB had planned going to shit? I was eagerly anticipating these two recently canceled events, The Dark Knight at Matoaka would've been awesome, and now we're left with just the Ting Tings, who are absolutely god awful and apparently tone deaf. Woo!

adam said...

Can't control band injuries- you still got this, UCABers.